Watch: Georgia drops Orange Bowl hype video

No. 6 Georgia (12-1) is set to take on No. 5 Florida State (13-0) in the Orange Bowl on Saturday afternoon. Kickoff from Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium is set for 4 p.m. ET, televised on ESPN.

It’s no secret that this matchup doesn’t hold the weight it should. Both programs have a case to be in the College Football Playoff, but the Bulldogs and Seminoles can’t control that now.

What they can control is the effort given in the game ahead. Surprisingly, Georgia has yet to have a single opt out despite having multiple players with first-round 2024 NFL draft grades.

On the other side, the bulk of Florida State’s top contributors will sit this one out, leaving the ACC Champions with a lot of questions across the depth chart.

With a win over FSU, Georgia’s senior class will become the winningest class in UGA football history.

Here’s the Bulldogs’ final hype video of an eventful season:

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